TBS Concerts, Conservatore Concerts & Farnham Sinfonia

Thank you very much for your donation. Your transaction has been completed and a receipt for your purchase will normally be emailed to you by PayPal.

If you are not already on our email list, we will add you to the list unless you email us to ask us not to do so. In each email sent there is a link to enable you to unsubscribe if you wish to.

Gift Aid

If you pay tax and sign a Gift Aid Declaration then we can reclaim the basic rate tax that you have paid, currently 25p for every pound given as a donation or paid as a subscription.

Paying tax refers to tax actually paid ie for amounts above the tax-free allowances (note: tax on interest and dividends changed in 2017), including:

  • income tax whether collected by employer or pension fund or paid separately by yourself,
  • tax on interest,
  • tax on dividends from shares and unit trusts, and
  • capital gains tax.

If you pay tax at the higher rate you can also claim your own tax reduction by declaring the gifts on your tax return.

You can make a declaration once, and then it applies for all gifts in any of the past four years and into the future, you do not need to make a new declaration for each future gift or payment, but you do need to tell us if you cease to pay tax.

You can make a Gift Aid Declaration either by:

  • completing a very simple on-line form (easiest method, only takes a few seconds), or
  • sending an email, or
  • printing and posting a Gift Aid Form

Conservatoire Concerts and Farnham Sinfonia are part of TBS and all use the same Gift Aid declaration, which needs to be completed only once.

Please use the Declaration on the TBS website via this link

CLICK for Gift Aid Declaration and scroll down




NB: Some purchasers are contacting us to say that they have not received receipts from PayPal. We do not understand the reason but please check your spam filters. Possibly the emails are being blocked by some providers such as AOL rather than by personal spam filters. You can also log into your PayPal account to check. Please do not hesitate to email ciochairman@tilbach.org.uk if you are concerned that a transaction has not gone through correctly.

If you have any questions about your transaction or if you have made a mistake and wish to rectify it please contact “ciochairman@tilbach.org.uk” and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

We hope you will enjoy our concerts.