St Andrew’s Church, Farnham, GU9 7PW

On the second Tuesday of each month, start at 1.10pm and last for about 35 minutes. You can bring you own lunch or there is soup/scones available at the back of the church. There is a retiring collection to cover costs.

Please check with the church (01252 715 412) to confirm that these recitals will be taking place

June 11th – Carl Jackson

July 9th – Kurt Rampton

August 13th – John Purver

September 10th – Christopher Dew

October 8th – Roy Woodhams

November 12th – Julian Cooper

December 10th – Rob Goldfinch

Special concert:   Sunday July 14th  at St Andrews 7.30pm – Concert of French music.

Further details: Stephen Lacey 01420 563 202