Prices are shown in conjunction with details about the concert concerned.  It is cheaper to buy tickets in advance than on the door. For most of our concerts we are able to offer free places to 8-25 year olds via CAVATINA and we encourage you to support CAVATINA TRUST yourselves.

We are offering a scheme for parents and music teachers to attend the concerts FREE if they bring children. See full details on Parent and Teacher FREE Ticket Scheme.

For our monthly concerts members benefit from lower prices and we offer members further reductions for purchasing tickets in advance for a whole series of concerts, eg the autumn season or the spring season.

The prices for the concerts in Farnham no longer include a “paid” glass of wine or juice. We now provide drinks free but invite cash donations at the concert to meet their costs.

When sending cheques, please use the Booking Form.

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Buying tickets in advance via PayPal

This is our preferred method of selling tickets.

Links to buy tickets are given at the bottom of the page about the concert concerned- see links on the left of this page.

Please click on the link for the ticket that you wish to buy and then a separate window will open with your PayPal Cart showing the ticket. You can change the number of tickets of the same type within the PayPal Cart window. You can also click on other ticket  to add other tickets to your Cart. When you have added all the tickets you wish to buy, please complete your purchase from the PayPal Cart then close the Paypal window. You can pay either from your own PayPal account or by credit card without creating a PayPal account.

If you click on a ticket by mistake and so add it to your cart, you can remove it from within the Cart.

If you have any problems with using the Paypal system below please email and say what tickets you would like to buy.




Please note that for all concerts except the Festival concerts at Tilford Church, we do not issue physical tickets but record the names of people who have paid and check names at the door.

If you pay and are unable to attend then you may nominate someone to attend in your place.