
You get a first hint of Christmas when the plum puddings arrive in the supermarkets around the middle of October. You know it’s arrived when you hear the children singing at the Tilford Bach Society Carols by Candlelight in All Saints’ church. All Saints’ Infants sang two items including the full percussion line-up with maracas, tambourine and drums. Although the smiles and the angelic voices are a delight, it’s always the percussion that adds the glitter, especially the young child with the huge cymbals!


This year we were privileged to hear three pieces from King of Kings written for Waverley Abbey School by their music organiser Hannah Good and we were hearing it first because it had not yet been performed for the school. And if that were not excitement enough we had the world premier of a carol written especially for the TBS. Titled the Tree and the Star, the words were written by Rosemary Wisbey and the music was composed by Florence Butterfield, the fifteen year old daughter of our Director of Music Adrian Butterfield.

2012Carols-05As always the carols are performed by the London Handel Singers intermixed with familiar Christmas hymns and readings. This year the theme was the Christmas Tree, described in readings from Dickens, J.R.R.Tolkien, C Day Lewis and Miss Read. The church was decorated appropriately with a magic Christmas Tree. Next year’s theme is Christmas Animals. Can anyone lend us an ox!

Pete Wisbey




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